Spicy Healthy Snacks (from cauliflower)
Last updated
24 January 2023
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Image of Spicy Healthy Snacks
Spicy Healthy Snacks (from cauliflower)
Super simple, easy to prepare and healthy option of snacks for any meal
Cook Time
40 minutes
  • head of cauliflower 1 pc
  • olive/any oil 2 tbsp
  • salt/pepper to taste
  • dry garlic
  • paprika (smoked)
  • hot pepper (if you like more spicy)
  • melted butter 50 g
  • spicy ketchup/tomato grave or tomato paste 15-30 g
  • lemon juice 15-20 ml
  • chopped parsley
  1. Cut 1 head of cauliflower
  2. Put on a baking sheet
  3. Pour oil and sprinkle with fav spices
  4. Mix all together and bake for 20-25 min with the temperature 190/400 degrees
  5. Combine melted butter, spicy ketchup, tomato grave or paste, in other bowl
  6. Pour this mass over the baked cabbage and bake for another 5-10 min until crusty
  7. Sprinkle with chopped parsley, when serving
  8. Enjoy crunchy but healthy snacks

Tastes best hot, with sour cream or another sauce of your choice( cheese - for example).

Yuliia Rybachenko