Morning caprese style sandwich in the oven
Last updated
15 February 2023
Recipe categories
Savory breakfasts
Image of Morning caprese style sandwich
Morning caprese style sandwich in the oven
Do you like a Caprese salad but can't eat salads on a breakfast? I have a simple decision. Just try to cook according to this recipe.
Cook Time
15 minutes
  • whole grain breads 2-4 pcs
  • pesto sauce 50-75 g
  • cream cheese 25-50 g
  • tomatoes ½-1 pc
  • cheese mozzarella 50-100 g
  • salt/pepper to taste
  • butter/oil to taste (for a crispy crust)
Image of ingredients of Morning caprese style sandwich
  1. Cut the bread (bun) in half
  2. Grease one part with butter. Another - with pesto sauce
  3. On bread with cream cheese, we spread chopped tomatoes
  4. Оn top (of the tomatoes), lay out slices of mozzarella cheese
  5. Salt, pepper the cheese and cover with another part of the bread with pesto sauce
  6. Spray/grease with oil or butter the top of the bread and the parchment on which the sandwich will be baked
  7. We transfer the future sandwich to a baking sheet, grill or grill pan and cook until the cheese melts and the crust on the bread is crispy
  8. Serve hot until the sandwich is crispy and not soggy

It doesn't have to be à la caprese. You can use your favorite sauce/cheese, add some other ingredients and it will also be delicious.

Do not add too much sauce/tomatoes - so that the sandwich is moderately juicy, crispy, and not wet.

It is better to cook such a sandwich on a rack in the oven or on the grill (instead of a flat surface) to avoid excess liquid.

If you don't have enough time in the morning - make the preparations in the evening, and just prepare fresh, hot sandwiches in the morning.

Yuliia Rybachenko